Waiting No Longer!

Waiting No Longer!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The past couple of days

Hey guys. Didn't send an update last night because I was too tired. The past couple of days have been great! I have really bonded well with Riley and have felt much better about everything. We all LOVE Ghuangzhou and would come back here in a heartbeat. Yesterday Riley had her medical exam which went really well. Later that night we went to a restraunt that served Western food! Yes, I did have a steak...Today we went to a museum. It was so hot outside today, and we didn't enjoy it as much because it was an outside museum. we were supposed to go to a park today too, but everyone was so hot so we went back to the hotel. Then we were going to swim, but realized we were hungry and got lunch! Tonight we went to a real Chinese restaurant with the group, and it was really good! We didn't eat anything weird, just chicken, beef, noodles, and rice! Afterwards we walked a little, shopped a little, and got ice cream! Riley is now hooked on something else! Riley becomes so shy around other people, but when it is just us three in the hotel room, she is a firecracker! We got her a stroller a few days ago, and it has been a blessing! Riley loves to get in it and go for a walk. My mom is very grateful for it since Riley has only allowed my mom to hold her. Riley loves to make noises that sound like a rhino/dinosaur. We have been calling her a baby rhino! She walks like a baby giraffe. We are calling her our little monkey and she says "onkey!" Bedtime is still some-what hard, but she is starting to cry less. We are having a great time with Riley and can't wait to come home and show her off! Tonight, it happened again........She pooped on the floor. I guess we are letting her run around too long without a diaper, but the girl loves to be naked! Riley is kind of confused still at what I am. She has been calling me "mama" a lot the past few days. We are trying to correct her, but it seems to go in one ear and out the other.

Tomorrow is a free day for us, and we will probably swim and shop some more. I hope Riley opens up to everyone quickly like she has to us! I am attaching pictures and will send more in other emails because there are so many! We are getting excited about coming home.

Love and miss everyone :))


1 comment:

  1. Lizzy, I am sure you will be like a "mommy" to Riley. But, that isn't a bad thing. It will be a great help to your Mom and it will make a bond with your little sister like you can't imagine. As she gets older, she will understand you are her sister and her best friend. I've always told my girls that friends come and go but a sister is forever. Glad you will get to find tht out first hand.
