Waiting No Longer!

Waiting No Longer!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Elizabeth's post for Friday 6/11

Well, Riley survived her first airplane ride! The flight when smoothly, and we are now at our new, beautiful hotel! It has 28 floors and is gorgeous! It has a huge water fountain in the inside. We met 2 other families who are here adopting as well, and their little girls are about Riley's age. We all rode in the same bus to the White Swan Hotel. On our way here to the hotel, I started to become a little sad. The other 2 little girls, who were adopted, were letting their daddys' hold them. I was wondering why Riley seemed to be the only baby who would only go to mom. I started thinking if maybe Riley was wondering where I "fit" in this family. She understands Mama and Baba but maybe she is confused her sister is so old! The other families who are here have biological kids too, but they are much younger and closer in age to their adoptive brother/sister. I have hated how she has hardly let me hold her, unless she is in a good mood or is eating! If I even try holding her, she immediately busts out in tears! In the bus I was wondering if it was almost too late for me to actually have that "sister feeling" since I am so old and there is 15 years apart in our ages. I had to remind myself that this was God's timing and that all of this happened at this time and this year for a reason. Of course when we got here to the hotel in our room, Riley got a burst of energy. She was running around the room and laughing so hard when I tickeled her. She even took a bath with me tonight without crying! I know all of this is just the process of adoption, but it is harder than it seems. I hope Riley continues to warm up to me and my dad before we leave China!

Tomorrow Riley has her medical exam at a clinic. We found out she doesn't have to have shots which is a major plus! Afterwards, we will probably do some shopping. We got to do a little shopping today before leaving, and Riley got a couple of dresses, and I got a couple of things! Now we are waiting for room service to come up here then we are hitting the sack! Hope everyone has a good day. :) Didn't get a chance to upload pics tonight, but will send some tomorrow!

Love and miss everyone,



  1. Lizzy,

    If it's any comfort, Jadyn had NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to do with ME, her mama for 3 days. She screamed if I came near her. She cried if I even sat down on the bed which Pat was holding her. Don't lose heart, you two will bond and it will be stronger than ever. She is very confused right now and she is clinging to the first thing that felt comfortable to her. Most of the time, they are very stand offish with men because they are hardly ever around men at all. It will all be fine and she will warm up very soon, I promise! Enjoy Guangzhou, it's a great place!! Now that's the place to shop. :) Don't tell your Dad I told you though. :)

  2. Lizzie,

    I hope I can give you a little perspective from Riley's point of view. When I was born my sisters were 19 and 22.

    I always knew they were my sisters but perhaps there was confusion at times. For one example, when my Mother took me to my first day at Kindergarten, I asked why everyone else's sister had brought them. I really felt that I had 3 Moms. I had extra advice, felt extra protection, but still had my sisters to confide in. I couldn't wait for them to come home on the weekend and I looked up to them very much.

    I think that both my sisters and I experienced a lot of different aspects of the sibling relationship that those closer in age do not.

    Hope this inside account of older/younger sisters helps.

    Patty Lemarr
